Friday 23 January 2015

Beware the ides of March!

And beware the ides of February, too, for that matter!

Gardeners who have been lulled into a false sense of security, with roses still blooming late as January and February which is very unusual and other plants starting to put on growth, tricked into thinking that the spring is already here.

Wiser, older gardeners will not be fooled, however! It is not unknown for a very mild winter to be met by the teeth some very inclement weather , with snow having fallen as late as May Fifteenth in recent times.

So, how can we protect our plants should we get severe February and March wintery weather? Make sure that vulnerable plants are mulched properly. Trees and other plants in outside containers can be mulched and bubble wrap makes an ideal cover to help keep the worst of the frosts away from plants that need a little bit of tender loving care.

If you have a greenhouse, make sure that the heating (if you have any) is working, even late into the season. "Never cast a clout 'til May is out" is a saying that every gardener should remember, as frosts -and even snow, sometimes- is not a stranger to May. If you don't have heating, bubble wrap and mulch also works well in a greenhouse or a cold frame.

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