Sunday 22 February 2015

Water those plants! Or not...

When the weather gets dryer later this year, we all want to get out into the garden and start up with the watering.

Whilst we should water those plants, we should remember to water them, but not too well!

Because although many gardeners like to give their garden a good soaking with a hosepipe, many more experienced gardeners will counsel against this practice.

For they would argue that over-watering a garden (as they would see it) can cause problems. The theory is that if you regularly use a hosepipe that this can result in lazy plants.

If you give them a lot of water on the surface of the ground, they will not have to put their tap roots down very far so could become weakened and thus perhaps prone to damage by disease, etc.

Much better, they would argue to have a tug filled with rainwater and use watering cans to spot water your plants, making sure that plants that require more water are well-watered.

You can buy a  rainwater harvesting system and install it now, filling it up ready for the dry months later in in the year.

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